Dumb Little System Review: Program Autopilot Profitable

Dumb Little System Review: Program Autopilot Profitable




Dumb Little System Review:


Here you will observe my honest review of the Dumb Little System Program that is a platform based on a system of simple autopilot and this really consists of recruiting people, and not is more than a multi-level marketing system. Where you almost always can make money with this system model, but you will analyze if it’s worth it, you to make an investment in this platform, if it is not a Scam.


Is by this that will be good that you read this honest review and you have in consideration all the aspect basic analyzed in the same that will help to make to an adequate decision.





Name Product: Dumb Little System

Website: http://www.dumblittlesystem.com

Owner: Bryan Winters

Price: $37 + $20 + Upsell ($197)

Rating: 3 / 10

Verdict: Is “Not Recommended”



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What Is The Dumb Little System?


Here you will see, as the owner of the Dumb Little System Program appears, Bryam Winter that is a connoisseur of marketing online, which has other programs online, and in the sense of general, this marketer attracts quite a bit of attention to people of all the world.



Is Dumb Little System a Scam




It is important to communicate to you that Bryant Winter has other programs as already said and really I had the opportunity of analyzing some products of him and really its products usually attract quite a bit of attention to all the people.


You will observe that In the Videos, Bryan refers to himself as a “GENIUS” for coming up with this system and claims it will “stuff $10 and $90 commissions” into your ClickBank account on autopilot. For me, this really is an exclamation very unreal and little transparent because if this was as easy all will earn much money and in the life real if you do not have experience in marketing online especially in advertising is almost impossible to earn in autopilot as affirmed this Owner of Dumb Little System Program.


Is Dumb Little System A System Multi-level Marketing?


With reference to this aspect I have to say, this is definitely different from the majority of affiliate marketing style products out there, but as always there’s more to the story than the sales pitch lets on. Explaining this we can say that it’s kind of an “affiliate marketing / multi-level (MLM) marketing (combined or hybrid) business model that we conclude in all its words as a pyramidal scheme system.


How Does Dump Little System Work?





The Dumb Little System Program is a platform that this divided into 4 steps that will set up your very own funnel, which is really simple according to the system.


Naturally for me, all the people do not have knowledge the same already because some of us can’t grasp things very easily, especially if you are new to the world of making money online (beginners), Is by this that you must analyze well before of have a decision for joining this program.


The 4 Steps That Will Set Up Your Very Own Funnel


Step 1: As the first step, fill out your Clickbank user ID along with your personal email addy. When doing this, you are setting up your personal affiliate account, which will allow you to get your personal links as well as have your funnel set up and ready to work in the system on the program.






For this is important to have a Clickbank account. If you don’t have a Clickbank account, you can create a free one and then you can attain your username from which you can input to your Dumb Little System funnel, and of this form, you will receive all the benefits.


Step 2: The second step is where you will see as well monetize your site-funnel with the product from Clickbank and this is where you will be able to get commissions in the case that any people do purchase your product.


Referent to this step, you will need to choose one of the products mentioned and through affiliate marketing, Bryan Winters account will gain a commission, which will be tossed into the account of the person who brought you in, of this you show proof that you did, in fact, purchase the product of reference. This indicates that to get through to Step 3, yes, you will need to purchase one of the products on the system.


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Generally, the people will grab the cheapest product but some will actually go for something they might find interesting, which is not a bad marketing technique in my opinion because you to benefit from the same. When you buy the product already you can start to have profits.


Step 3: Here in this third step you will need to sign up in CashBlurbs.


Referent to this step is where that little twist comes in as by joining this part of the system where you will earn commissions from the referrals of your personal referrals as part of the program. This want says that you will be making commissions from people you don’t even know, like in some pyramidal scheme (MLM) businesses.


In Cashblurbs Program exist 3 membership levels although this required that you go with one of their paid memberships as a member of Dumb Little System.


Step 4: Here You Get Setup Complet


In this last step when you have gone through all the steps and actually purchased every product mentioned, you are now ready to throw out this same exact system to start making commissions on the internet.


It is important to communicate to you that there is a bonus step, which requires you to purchase a product called “Directory Ezines” which is going to cost you $197.


Here you will see that this is the high ticket portion of the funnel and gives you the chance to make $90 for each sale generated from that site on of the system.


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In sense general, I must communicate to you that will need to purchase this product to qualify, so keep that in mind. This indicates that you have that to be prepared for making a great investment initial is by this that I “Not Recommend” Dumb Little System fundamentally for beginners because you can lose your investment.


Pros And Cons Dumb Little System Program:


With the objective of what you have an idea on the Dumb Little System Program to list you will see out both the good and bad things about this platform to help give you a better overview of the same.




1- You Can Make Money


2- It’s Simple To Do


3- Good Funnel Setup




1- Will Get Expensive


2- Reselling The Same System


Recommendation of Awesome Program


In principle, If you are serious about making money online, and are willing to put in some time and effort, I have suggestions for you on the platform.


Also, is well to say you that My # 1 Awesome Niche Program isn’t a push-button or “copy” system, it takes work and dedication.


So, it’s something that anyone can do, it’s free to get started, and it has the potential to help you make a living online with the best company of marketing online.


After joining them, I’ve made enough money to quit my day job and live entirely off of the money I earn online.


If you are interested in learning more, you can join us here




How I Obtain The Commissions Of Dumb Little System?





The commissions of the Dumb Little System Program are paid to you via a third party called ClickBank that this based on third-party products that this is a program of affiliate marketing. Really this platform is structured like a pyramidal scheme (MLM) business model since you get paid to refer people, who refer people and is that successively.


To summarize, this system of obtaining earning of the pyramidal scheme (MLM) is the that make that the Dumb Little System Program is “Not Recommended” for the people that not have experience in marketing online already that you can to lose your time and money.


Now How Much Does Dumb Little System Cost?


Referent to the Dumb Little System Program cost to get actively involved you will need to spend at a bare minimum $37 + $20 monthly. Already that the cost of $10 is for the cheapest initial product purchase on ClickBank and to buy Cash Blurb. Of this form, you’re not going to make much cash staying on this level, though, so you are almost forced to buy other up-sell, which is $197, and almost sure probably have to pay for traffic. Really without traffic, you will not have sales.


All this indicates that in case you are a beginner almost sure you will lose time and money or will delay in achieving recovery of its investment.


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Verdict Final: Is Dumb Little System a Scam?


In conclusion, the Dumb Little System Program Is “Not a Scam” in sense general and you can really make money with this program, but in my opinion is not necessary to join this program, as you can make commissions selling ClickBank products and other types products without the need of to participate in Dumb Little System where the costs increase due to the Upsells. Also, you have that make an investment for traffic and other inconvenience of this program.


Another aspect negative of the Dumb Little System is that the primary purpose of all this is for Bryan to earn affiliate commissions on that first sale everyone makes when they join, as well as on the purchase of Directory of Ezines. It’s a tiered system and Bryan is positioned at the top of that tier, so he stands to make way more money than everyone else affiliates of the program where the beginners can lose its investment.


There are better Programs and more effective ways to earn as an affiliate than Bryan Winters Dumb Little System. Of this way that I give you to continuation:


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Conclusively considering these aspects, the Dumb Little System Program is  ‘Not Recommend’.


Definitely, if you want to learn how to achieve quality visitors to your website and build a list, I recommend you can join My # 1 Awesome Niche for that you learn by working with affiliate marketing. It really takes time and effort, but it is an honest Program where you will teach you real online marketing. Join to continuation:


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Thanks so much for your interest.




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If you have any questions or comments about the Dumb Little System Program, feel free to let me know below, thanks for reading my honest review.



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