My WA Awesome Niche FAQ

My WA Awesome Niche FAQ





Wealthy Affiliate FAQ’s


Welcome to My WA Awesome Niche FAQ, and Congratulations by reading this honest page, for me will be very important that you let your opinion to final and so for I will have satisfaction from your collaboration.


I’m dedicating this page to answering the most common questions in regards to Wealthy Affiliate University(My WA Awesome Niche FAQ). I have been a Premium Member for various years(4) now and have gained an excellent inside of what Wealthy Affiliate has to offer and that for me is the best University of marketing online.

What is Wealthy Affiliate?






Of form general, Wealthy Affiliate is a platform and a community that is designed to help people make money online mainly through affiliate marketing.


Aspects you can benefit from Wealthy Affiliate are:


1- You will have very systematic and step-by-step training to start your own online business

2- Anyone can build your own websites without any coding on your part

3- You will have top-notch Website Hosting

4- You will see thousands of community members helping one another.

5- You can connect with both experts and also people who are just starting out like you.

6- You can get access to the Co-founders directly.

7- FREE to get started(No Credit Card Required).

How do you join Wealthy Affiliate?





At first, creating a free starter account is very simple and only takes a couple of minutes. Put your credit card away, all you need is an email and password to get on the inside in this great program.


Click here to create your FREE starter account.


To mode of help, here’s a step-by-step guide on how to join Wealthy Affiliate.


Is Wealthy Affiliate Free for You?


You can sign up as a starter member and stay free forever and be successful.


At term general, you’ll have access to the Online Certification Level 1 Course and you’ll be able to build up to One website that will always belong to you, including free domain and free hosting.


Also, you will appreciate that at Wealthy Affiliate you have the choice of two membership options – the Starter membership and the Premium membership. You can upgrade from a Start member to a Premium member at any time (but never will have any pressure on you to do so).


You will see at the review a Starter vs Premium membership comparison, where you will see the difference and you will conclude that is fundamental to joining Premium Member by having more advantages.





Really, some people decide to upgrade their membership while others choose to build a successful online business with the training and free websites included within the Starter membership.


What’s included with the Wealthy Affiliate Starter membership?






You can join Wealthy Affiliate as a Starter member with just your name and email address, is good to say that you have no credit card needed for it.


As a Starter member, you have unlimited access to:


a) The Online Entrepreneur Certification Getting Started Course: This training shows you how the process of making money online works, how to build a website, and how to attract visitors via search engines.

b) Two free websites: these are 100% yours and you’ll have access to the SiteRubix website builders, site health, and daily back-ups. This includes two free domains and hosting for as long as you like.

c) Tons of expert training, videos, and tutorials: learn from expert entrepreneurs who have been running successful online businesses for years.

d) Access to the Wealthy Affiliate Community: where you can ask questions and get answers, share ideas in the live chat and comment areas.


Does Wealthy Affiliate Work?


Wealthy Affiliate is a great University, really what they teach works, although there’s nothing automated about making money online; it is you who must work to be successful and achieve its goals.


Here at Wealthy Affiliate you will enjoy training that will teach you everything you need to know to be successful and you’ll have all the tools, resources, and community support available at your fingertips, Wealthy Affiliate will only work if you put of its part.


You will see all the experiences of all the members. You have to have the courage to work hard you will see short awesome results.
hard. Do this and you’ll be successful.


The most common questions asked about Wealthy Affiliate and Business Opportunities Online. Here you can see the answers:


Wealthy Affiliate scam Review1- Is really possible to earn a living online?


There are a lot of reasons why most people aren’t making money online. For one, there are so many scams and bad products that exist within the online marketing industry that the majority of people are jaded when it comes to programs to earn online. Many, MANY people have gotten scammed out of their hard-earned dollars or invested money into programs that ended up not really working out for them. The problem is, there are very few quality products out there that will really lead people towards success.


Another factor that deters others is that it takes time, dedication, and hard work. Most people want to earn quick money, they think it’s like a job and will get a steady paycheck in a couple of weeks. Well, no – it isn’t like that. The proper way to earn online is to build a BUSINESS, which takes time. Any business is going to need an initial investment, and it will definitely take some time to see a return on that investment. You may work for hours, weeks, MONTHS, and not see a dime. That in and of itself turns off most people since it’s not instant gratification. Most people looking to make money online are in need of money NOW and can’t afford to wait the several months it may take to start actually earning anything.


☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.


You have to think long-term when turning to the internet to make money. You need to be thinking, “Okay, I’m going to need to invest a lot of time into this without seeing any money, and that’s OKAY – I know it will pay off in the long run.” Going in with that type of mindset will help you keep going.


2- Now as I can build a website because I do know nothing about it?


It’s a common misconception that you need to know the code o make a website. These days, they have programs like WordPress that take all the coding and most of the technical aspects out of the process, so all you need to do is literally type in your website URL and title, and your website, and it can be built for you.


Build a Free Website Now: Wealthy Affiliate


3- Why should I join “Wealthy Affiliate” and how can it benefit me?


If you’re still unsure how Wealthy Affiliate would benefit you, there’re a few questions I would ask you:


a)Do you have a passion or interest that you would love to be able to make money with?

b)Are you an “expert” at anything?

c)Do you like helping others?

d)Have you ever wanted to start a business, but were unable to afford or dreaded the initial cost of the startup?

e)Or, alternatively – do you have a real-world business you’d like to combine with the internet to boost advertising and sales?


4- What is an affiliate marketing program?


The affiliate marketing model is a really good place for a beginner to start off earning money online.


It’s recommended you start earning through affiliate marketing because it’s proven effective and it’s easier than trying to create your own product and sell it. It’s also more lucrative than programs like Google Adsense or other ad networks. The goal is to start people off in the direction that will most likely bring them the highest rate of success, then once they achieve that, they can move on to more advanced techniques.


☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.


5- Is “Wealthy Affiliate” really free?


Yes. You can sign up with simply an email address. It requires no additional information on your part (no credit card, phone number, or other personal information is needed like many other “free” trials). Once inside, you’ll have access to the community, certification training, live chat, blogging, plus 2 free Siterubix websites. You’re going to have access to communicate with members for the first 7 days, at the end of your first week – while your free membership and free websites are valid for life, the communication aspect won’t be available past your first days. However, you’ll be able to keep your free websites plus have access to the starter training (plus additional training) for as long as you want.


Now there are three options for you:


I- Free starter membership: It will cost you nothing ($0) and the benefits follow:


a) Free Websites or Blogs.

b) More than 100 training modules.

c) Access to 3 classrooms, classes by Kyle and Carson, founders of Wealthy Affiliate.

d) 7 days access to all premium communications including support and live chat.

e) It’s all you need to start your online journey and honestly it is worth more than most of the other paid programs. I know it sounds too good to be true, but it’s true and you can check it out yourself by creating your FREE starter membership.


II- Premium membership: It will cost you just $49 per month and some of the features follow:


a) If You upgrade before 7 days, first month only $19

b) unlimited help and support including support and live chat.

c) much more than 600 training modules.

d) access to 13 full classrooms.

e) live weekly training.

f) Premium hosting plus website monitoring and feedback system for your sites with the keyword. Help others you succeed…and more.


Premium membership is a package you will ever need for making money online. Go for a free membership and see if it is the program you need or not.


Features of Upgrade Premium Plus Member:


III- Premium Plus Member ($99 Per Month):


To mode of information, this is a relatively new offering, which is obvious considering that the thousands of Wealthy Affiliate reviews online fail to mention this feature at any moment.


In sense general, this is because most of those reviews were written in like 2015 – 16 and never updated like a great of the Wealthy Affiliate course of training.


Also, the Founders(Kyle and Carson) promise the ability to build and host 50 websites instead of 10 (at a $250/month value).


Specially they offer unlimited “priority support”, but don’t explain what that means, I think that this is not significant, because actually already they have a “priority support” for Premium.


Another aspect to comment is that they offer 4 times as many “Expert Classes” (over 200 per year), which is awesome.





All this pack also has an offer Jaaxy Enterprise, advertised as a $99/month value that this implicit at the value of the upgrade.


Now also must say that the people who use Jaaxy are those writing a review in order to promote Wealthy Affiliate or Jaaxy itself already that is a feature own of Wealthy Affiliate.


Here is a breakdown of the NEW Premium Plus+ Commission structure:


First Month Discount ($49): $23.50 Commission
Monthly ($99): $46.50/month Recurring Commission


Note: You save $ 50 in the first month if you are already a Premium Member


Yearly Discount ($795): $365/year Recurring Commission
Yearly ($995): $465/year Recurring Commission


The revenue potential as an affiliate of Wealthy Affiliate is truly next level. We have made it easier than ever to create a full-time business through the promotion of Wealthy Affiliate and the newly bundled, Premium Plus+ membership.


Now, if you want to take your business to a whole new level. Here’s what you’ll have access to on top of every Premium Plus feature.


1- Every expert classroom
2- 50 free websites
3- Every feature of the Keyword Research Tool (will get into those later)
4- $100 credits for site feedback and site comments
5- 2 free domains



6- Why is Highly Recommended going Premium?


While the starter membership within Wealthy Affiliate is a great opportunity to experience what it’s like inside the community and give you a better idea of what it can offer you without paying a single dime to find out, if you join and decide you are 100% serious about starting your own online business, I would highly recommend going premium. You can join Premium for just $19 your first month, and a mere $29 a month after that if you sign up yearly.


☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.


Free VS Premium – Comparison



Note: “Not applicable” to the following countries Bangladesh, India, Egypt, Nigeria, Pakistan, Philippines, Vietnam.


Think of it this way – that’s less than $1 a day to learn how to create an internet business that will start earning you revenue. If you put forth the effort and follow along with the training, you will definitely earn back your $359 within your first year, plus probably much more. You can’t seriously start a business without putting forth some type of investment.


You will get more hands-on, real experience within the field of e-marketing by joining  Wealthy Affiliate than you would be getting a real accredited degree. You’ll be able to earn while you learn… and each year you spend in college is a year you’re paying money to someone else instead of earning it yourself.


Now is very important Make Me Two Promises Before You Join


I- Complete your profile. It takes no time, but you will get more help and support if your profile is all set up.


II- Complete level 1 of your main Training. That it will take some of your precious time, but it is good learning. When you actually complete one level of the training you will see for yourself that it is possible to make money online and most importantly, that: YOU.

☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.




7-When I will get my first paycheck and with this, I can pay my members?


This is, unfortunately, a question I cannot answer. I can tell you it will not happen overnight, and perhaps not even your first few months. Wealthy Affiliate is a training program and community designed to help and support you creating your own business on the web, it isn’t a “job” that yields a regular paycheck, nor a “Money-Making Program”.




The amount of money you make is entirely up to your efforts and dedication, and how efficiently you are able to utilize the program and training materials into starting up your own business. There is not a set amount of guaranteed income, but the potential to earn money (I’m talking enough to quit or replace a real job) is definitely there. Some people are making a decent part-time income, anywhere from $500 – $1,000 per month, and there are others making over a million per year, plus everywhere in between.


Here you can see an Exemplo Money Pay at Wealthy Affiliate





☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.


8-How many times I have been a member of “Wealthy Affiliate” to have been successful?


It’s not a requirement that you be a member of Wealthy Affiliate forever in order to make money online. You don’t even have to go premium if you want to make money online, you can utilize the starter membership and other resources to get started on your own.

I’d recommend starting out with the $19 first month, and if you still like it after that, join for the yearly membership because it’s a lot cheaper than going month by month. They include unlimited web hosting, support, and training, and for $29 per month that is a very, VERY minimal investment in the scheme of business. (30K vs. $359, remember?)


I realize many people can’t afford an initial investment of $359 upfront, though. And that’s OK – if you are very limited in funds, I’d recommend joining for at least a couple of months, and you could probably learn enough to go about it on your own after that. But many members love the community so much they WANT to stay. Also, realize if you have your own domain names, you’ll have to pay for hosting elsewhere if you aren’t a premium member. If You want to Build A Solid Future.


Now Well You this in the Right Way For Success Online.





Can you have a successful online business working part-time from home?


Yes! I can show you how to succeed online. It takes some effort, but it definitely can be done. You can do it. I can show you step by step how to create your online success. Join Wealthy Affiliate:


Learn How To Build A Successful Online


Finally, if you want to learn how to achieve quality visitors to your website and build a list, I recommend you can join My # 1 Awesome Niche for that you learn by working with affiliate marketing. It really takes time and effort, but it is an honest Program where you will teach you real online marketing. Join at link following:


☞ Click here for My #1 Awesome Niche. Legit  Ways To Make Money Online.


Thanks so much for your interest.




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If you have any questions or comments about the My WA Awesome Niche FAQ, feel free to let me know below, thanks for reading my honest review.



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