Ad Code Review: The Banner Ads For-Profits

Ad Code Review: The Banner Ads For-Profits


AD Code Scam Review



Ad Code Review


Welcome to my Honest Review of Ad Code that is the platform where the Founder claim that guarantees profits up to 5 K daily since that you start in the program. Initially, all look fine, but we must analyze if the Ad Code Program is a Scam or a Legit Program.




Ad Code System Website Screenshot

Official Website: Ad Code


Product Type: Banner Fliping Platform

Owner: Rob Goldman –  “Fake Name”

Price: Free to Join + $ 300 Deposit + Thousands in Upsells

Ratings: 1.5 / 10

Verdict: Is “Not Recommended”



Observation Summary:  You will see that the Ad Code Program is a site designed to funnel you to “ClickRally”. It is good to inform you that this is a bogus trading platform where you can lose your investment. Also, we can say that after finding some data can say that the owner is a fake character because not appear recorded in marketing online.


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With the Ad Code Program, you will observe through this Honest Review if really you can to do money with this program, what products they offer and if it is a platform in which you can trust. Although in life real making money flipping banner ads online is impossible and this is the that makes the Ad Code Program.


You will see that the Ad Code Program claims that you can start profiting quickly by doing nothing. The fundamental VIDEO of the platform is designed to make you believe that you can get rich quickly without any effort. An aspect that all know that is not logical or rational.


The Owner Rob Goldman has created a lot of hype around his site. However, he is not 100% honest with you, because no people can make rich quickly if you do not work in marketing online.


Is by this Ad Code Program review, you’ll know what’s behind the promo site, how much it could really cost you, how it works, and if it will be good for you to make an investment with this program.


What is the Ad Code?



ADCode ReviewSet featured image



If we attended the initial VIDEO of the Ad Code Program you will observe that it is a 100% legal app that allows you to high profit from anywhere in the world on its system. Logically this magical app has nothing to do with marketing online, a pyramidal scheme, or other types of system.


The Owner of the Ad Code Program Rob Goldman continues the legend by saying that this app is entirely done for you. And confirmed that It provides a way to a secure, consistent income without having to risk your money. Rob Goldman claims that the Ad Code Program is the most powerful way to make money online using banner ads with its system of form general and also claims that he’s going to give you a free cash bonus to get started. This really appears awesome!!!


When you see the VIDEO you will note that a few people claim that they have been making enormous amounts all thanks to its Owner Rob Goldman and his fantastic app. That for me this is totally false.


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Logically is good to clarify to you that these VIDEOS where appears claim of these people are like a montage to achieving that many of them joining the Ad Code Program and make your investment where you can lose its money and time.


How Does Ad Code Work?



Really like the Ad Code Program exist other programs that work like spammy sales funnel sites that have the same system operative. Like is the case of Ad Formula which is almost the same setup, that functions down another name.


All the systems consist in that you receive a “Spam email” or see an ad online, in the social network, or in another medium of publicity, which directs you to the sales page of


For me is the Ad Code Program is a platform that offers nothing special by having little content because its sales VIDEO is very unreal because It is absolutely exaggerated of the phrase Get Rich Quick hype we see all the time across scam sites which you must Avoid, and not lose its investment.


It is very important to inform you that the Ad Code Program does not have anything FREE all its Upsells are reals. Not only is this not FREE, but it’s also actually one of the greater scams that exist in marketing online.


Also, the Ad Code Program uses the logos on the site that implies the platform has been featured in Forbes, CNBC, and another news networks. Being all this a great falsehood and far from reality.


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In sense general, the Ad Code Program has like aspect principal is receiving its data like name, email, and others and they redirect this to that is a Scam program where you never will earn $ 5 K daily on autopilot, is by this that not Recommended joining this platform.


Who’s Represent The Ad Code?


This is an off-the-incognita of this platform because really the Owner of the same Rob Goldman not appears in none site on the internet. All indicate that it is just an imaginary persona to cheat.




Because really not any information in marketing online on this person with the final of giving faith to the Ad Code Program. Also, the Click2Sell is the platform that to which they redirect to you not inform who is the owner. In sense general, you will note that exists a bad of background in these two platforms in the which not can trust.


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This confirms that when you consider that the Ad Code Program is asking for literally $10,000’s from you, we face a delicate situation in the good sense of the word.


Verdict Final: Is Ad Code A Scam?


When we do the conclusion of the Ad Code Program we can summarize in this honest review that this platform is categorically a Scam because in sense general the platform does not offer a product, it is not known who is behind the program, its claims are not reals and others aspects that make that the Ad Code Program be a Scam in all it’s totally like Click2Sell.


The Ad Code Program lacks marketing online like Click2Sell that together are the great Scam in marketing at this time due to that you without making any effort can earn $ 5 K every day only with your signup. An aspect that they affirm in its VIDEO logically with the tricks corresponding for that you to lose your investment of time and money.


You will appreciate that the Ad Code Program the whole thing is a charade designed to get you to spend $10,000’s on a fake ad revenue opportunity that only will originate in the loss for you. Ad Code Program together with the Click2Sell redirects programs two is a great Scam.


In conclusion, the Ad Code Program “Is A Scam”


There are better Programs and more effective ways to earn as an affiliate than the Ad Code Program. Of this way that I give you to continuation:


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Thanks so much for your interest.




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If you have any questions or comments about the Ad Code Program, feel free to let me know below, thanks for reading my honest review.


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